Dear brothers and sisters,
I trust that you all had a joyful time yesterday with family and friends, and remembering the birth of Christ in a special way.
Remember that, because of a special program at Ascension Lutheran Church at 5 p.m. on Sunday (A performance by the United Nations Children’s Choir to which we are invited) we will meet for worship at 2:20 p.m. We’ll be out of the sanctuary at 4 p.m. for our Haven Food and Fellowship time. It will be good to have fellowship with our brothers and sisters at ALC.
And remember that
A Visit to the Pastor’s Study is broadcast live on at 12 noon on Sunday. It’s also broadcast locally on WBWD radio (540AM) this Sunday at 8 a.m. There will be an important announcement in this program, so you may want to listen.
Pray for my ministry this Lord’s Day. It will be the final message in the series from Isaiah 8:20 - 9:7 under the title “Unwrapping the Gift of Jesus”. You will be thrilled by what is meant by “of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end….” and how that will come about.
Invite others to join you….at 2:30 p.m!
Your servant in Christ the King,
Pastor S